Quarantine is real.
But COMMUNITY is not cancelled.
LOVE is not cancelled.
And most importantly,
SOUL is not cancelled!
253 SOULfood Sessions are a virtual vehicle for celebration, joy, and solidarity for our community; one that lifts up and celebrates Tacoma creatives, especially people of color and LGBTQ artists.
Registration is REQUIRED. You can reserve your spot for one or all sessions here. A separate registration is required for EACH session.
Sessions are free of charge and open to the public with the understanding that there will be ZERO TOLERANCE for anti-Blackness, xenophobia, transphobia, homophobia, ableism, sexism, misogynoir, slut shaming, body shaming, or racism of any kind.
Session 1 - SOULfood Supper Club
May 22nd 7-9pm PST
Session 2 - SOULfood Saturday
May 30th 1-3pm PST
Session 2 will feature a panel of Tacoma artists discussing the power of art in healing our marginalized communities. Singer, rapper and artist Liv Thomas, poet and artivist Thy Nguyen, and dancer Wendy Luu will be in the house to both fuel the dialogue as well as perform a piece or two.
Session 3 - SOULfood Brunch
May 31st 12-2pm PST
We had to go out with a bang, y'all. And what better way than with an old school/new school jam fest. We have one of Tacoma's long time music legends, Paul Richardson and renaissance man Joe Williams on deck. Both pianists, each artist will bring perform special pieces as an offering of love and healing as we move through this chaotic time.